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The golden threads - analysing and solving your charity's strategic challenges.pdf

Joe Saxton

There are probably five or six reports I have written or co-written in the last twenty years

which I thought introduced new ideas on charities or moved non-profit thinking in a particular


Today I want to add another report to that list – The Golden Threads.

And while the other reports I have written have built on ideas from the commercial or

academic sectors this latest one stands alone. It has taken me years to write, and its basic idea

is that there are unifying threads in the problems that charities tackle, and the solutions they

can apply to solving. These threads provide new ways of looking at the activities that charities

can adopt to tackle their mission.

The report is full of examples of the different ways that charities can tackle their mission –

using viral activities, working through partners/agents, by analysing risk and return as a few


For now I hope at least a few people read and get a few insights from my thinking. The report

can be downloaded below or read here



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