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Awesome advice and resources
for non-profits from Joe Saxton


Samiksha Rai
3 min read
Gratitude in Giving: Unveiling Heartfelt Thank You Letters from Charitable Donations
Welcome to this two-part project that delves into my experiences as I facilitated donations on behalf of HeyHeyJoe. This installment,...

Joe Saxton
5 min read
Strategy blog 6: the common flaws of charity strategies
I have read over 120 charity strategies now and here are some of the most common flaws I have found in them (these are my personal views...

Joe Saxton
1 min read
The golden threads - analysing and solving your charity's strategic challenges.pdf
There are probably five or six reports I have written or co-written in the last twenty years which I thought introduced new ideas on...

Joe Saxton
1 min read
Strategy blog 5:Interesting nuggets from the strategy survey
Our strategy survey has a whole range of interesting info, and all detail is available in our powerpoint presentation available here. But...

Joe Saxton
4 min read
My life in five start-ups benefiting charities
Sandwiches for Save the Whales As a 14-year-old I got heavily into Save the Whales and decide to raise some money. I went to boarding...

Joe Saxton
5 min read
Strategy blog 4: the components of a strategic plan
Welcome This is the fourth in the series of blogs from Heyheyjoe looking at strategy in charities and non-profits. The previous three...

Samiksha Rai
3 min read
Mastering the Art of Storytelling: Our top ten charity video picks
Introduction Videos are a key part of social media and how people absorb information about the world. With the rise of tik tok, shorters...

Joe Saxton
4 min read
Strategy blog 3: Ten things to do in preparing a new strategy
Welcome This is the third in the series of blogs from Heyheyjoe looking at strategy in charities and non-profits. The previous two blogs...

Joe Saxton
1 min read
10 fascinating nuggets to notice about our google charity search report
1. Searches for Ukraine, particularly the terms volunteer and donate in various different forms spiked for about a month after the...

Joe Saxton
5 min read
Strategy blog 2: What is a strategy and why are they important for charities?
Introduction This blog is part of a series of blogs and research about charities and strategies. This one looks at what a strategy is,...

Joe Saxton
13 min read
What’s in a Name?
Teasing out the key issues if a charity wants to change their name Introduction This paper is designed to look at some of the issues...

Joe Saxton
4 min read
The superpowers of charities:
The seven superpowers that help charities punch above their weight by Joe Saxton How do charities do the maximum amount of good with...

Joe Saxton
4 min read
Strategy blog 1: briefing on strategy and strategic planning
What is a strategic plan? Maps out the key aims of an organisation and shows the overall direction the organisation wishes to take over a...

Joe Saxton
9 min read
High five: Part 1 of 2
Five big ways that the world of media has changed since the new millennium Introduction Twenty years ago I had just finished as Director...

Joe Saxton
11 min read
Why are environmental charities obsessed with membership?
Is the reliance of environmental charities on membership limiting its success? Introduction This analysis looks at the fact that...

Samiksha Rai
9 min read
Influential friends?How much do MPs promote charities via their websites and Twitter feeds?
Samiksha Rai and Joe Saxton September 2022 Introduction Some charities have come in for a tough time from politicians in recent years –...

Joe Saxton
12 min read
The challenges of creating an effective trustee board
A trusted role: The challenges of creating an effective trustee board Introduction This document is an attempt to pull together some of...

Joe Saxton
3 min read
Five things any trustee can do to be more effective.
Making a difference: Five things any trustee can do to be more effective. Introduction Its not easy being a humble trustee, when you...
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